
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day Eight - Weeding and Web 2.0

Pirate research continued with the 2nd grade advanced readers.  Lee Anne encouraged them to pose "essential questions" about their pirate subject and search for answers.  Many of the students chose to use some of the print resources we had pulled for them and used more than one title in search of information.  Budding researchers!

I completed the weeding process for the Education section.  Deleting titles is always hard, but knowing they will be given to classroom teachers or otherwise passed on makes the process easier for me.  Every book has its day and then it can just look dated.

I took on the nonfiction section as a display project and worked at facing out titles on almost every shelf to create a more visual look.  It was gratifying to see students notice the difference and even check out some of the faced out books.  Of course, now we will have to fill it in again, but if it brings new titles to their attention, so much the better.

Lee Anne had me read to a Kindergarten group as well as do a booktalk with a 3rd grade class.  We are prepping the students for voting for their favorite South Carolina Picture Book Award nominees next week.

The day ended with my planned Web 2.0 presentation.  While the turnout was not as large as expected, I enjoyed the opportunity to interact and appreciated Lee Anne's support...and the brownies she baked!

It was a good day filled with reminders to stay flexible and open to any opportunities that might arise.

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